We know! We can see you rolling your eyes. You’re sick of teachers, parents, carers, social workers and others telling you to be careful online. BUT (there’s always a but) it’s really important...
Read PostYou may remember, we blogged about one of our young people, James* back in October. James was one of the young people we took to the Isle of Wight last Summer to participate in a residential trip...
Read PostWe have had some great entries for our Safer Internet Safety Day Competition! Thank you to all the young people that sent in their entries! We will make sure to upload them to our Facebook...
Read PostIn today's digital age, it's crucial for both young people and adults to understand how to stay safe online! As adults, we are tasked with teaching vulnerable people how to keep themselves physically...
Read PostThe cost of living, despite some Government help, is going to make winter difficult for many people, and we understand that our foster carers may also need some additional financial support at this...
Read PostChoosing to welcome a vulnerable child or young person into your home is always going to be a family decision. As with every choice that will potentially make changes to the day-to-day operations of...
Read PostWe’re all different, that’s what makes us special. Even identical twins have different personalities and interests. If you speak to any group of teachers or people who work with children and...
Read PostEvery May, The Fostering Network runs Foster Care Fortnight to shine a spotlight on the amazing work that foster carers do. This year’s theme is #fosteringcommunities, celebrating the strength and...
Read PostAny child or young person who enters the care system will come with complex needs that need to be addressed. As we’ve said before, there is never a happy reason for a child to find themselves in...
Read PostAnyone who has lived with children or young people has undoubtedly had a moment when they just need a break. It’s not that you don’t love or care about them, it’s just that you want to go to...
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