Vacancy - Children's Participation and Support Leader

Vacancy - Children's Participation and Support Leader
Published 01 Mar 2022

Affinity Fostering Services are excited to announce the opening of a position, for a Children's Participation and Support Leader. Based in West Essex or North West Kent, Affinity is looking for a dynamic and committed new addition to continue to grow the fantastic service Affinity delivers, through the amazing direct work YOU could be doing with the young people in foster care with Affinity.

Affinity Fostering Services is an Ofsted rated "Outstanding" Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) working across the East of England. IFA's work closely with Local Authorities in placing young people in need of a fostering home, with foster carers that work for Affinity. Affinity employs a range of professionals and staff to support these placements, including that of Participation and Support Leaders.

This role is initially advertised as a sessional worker or a part time role for 4 days a week but could grow to become a full-time position depending on individual and company needs.   

Please send your CV and covering letter to and


Job Summary -To enable Affinity Fostering Services to deliver its strategic objectives:

· Safeguarding

· Placement Stability

· Advance Children and Young People’s Participation

Participation is when people are given the opportunity to express their views effectively and for those views to be listened to and taken account of. It is about being involved in and influencing decision making on matters that affect them.

Focus of Post:

1. Safeguarding ‘Keeping Children Safe’:

Principal priority is to work with children and young people in placement to keep them safe whilst additionally working with foster carers, birth children and colleagues.


2. Placement Stability:

Working with children and young people in placement to support their foster placement whilst also working with foster carers, birth children and colleagues.


3. Participation:

To enable ALL children to have a ‘voice’

Participation in activities provided by Affinity Fostering

Participate in continuous improvement of the service


Main Responsibilities:


· To ensure that all concerns relating to the safeguarding of children and young people are responded to appropriately and raised immediately with the Safeguarding Lead or Senior Management Team;

· Ensure all necessary risk assessments are completed, shared and stored as appropriate;


Placement Stability:

· Provide direct support as allocated for:

· Young people in placement;

· Parent and Child Placements;

· Young people in placement but not in education;

· Foster carers; and

· Birth children

· Provide support requirements for Foster Carer training and support groups as allocated;

· To facilitate contact for children in placement, including transportation, supervision (if required) and appropriate reporting;

· Deliver Affinity Fostering’s ‘Family Stability Strategy’ by providing support to the Fostering Household:

· Children and young people in placement;

· Foster carers;

· Foster carers’ birth children

· Complete appropriate reports for all support and contact work ensuring they are sent to the Support & Participation Supervisor in a timely fashion;

· Contribute to the planning and delivery of Affinity’s Annual activities for children and young people in placement and Foster Carers’ birth children, respectively;

· Contribute to the planning and delivery of Affinity Fostering’s annual programme of activities and events;

· To research, review and amend periodically all relevant young people’s Handbooks to ensure their relevance and accuracy;



· Assist in the delivery and facilitation of Affinity Fostering’s children and young people’s forum ‘Voices’;

· To assist children and young people to review and improve Affinity’s services - ensuring their voices are heard;

· Research, plan and develop new Participation projects as delegated;

· Ensure all Handbooks issued to young people and parent/child placements are regularly updated to ensure relevance and accuracy;

· To contribute to and work within Affinity Fostering’s Participation Standards;


Direct Work:

· Deliver individual support to children and young people in placement including Parent and Child placement as required;

· Deliver Affinity Fostering’s ‘Family Stability Strategy’ by providing support to the Fostering Household:

· Children and young people in placement;

· Foster carers;

· Foster carers’ birth children

· To facilitate contact for children in placement, including transportation, supervision (if required) and appropriate reporting;

· To complete all necessary reports for support or contact in a timely fashion and distribute to the Participation & Support Supervisor, Supervising Social Worker, Senior Manager and Administrator


Personal / Other Responsibilities:

· At all times adhere to Company Policies specifically Safeguarding; Equality and Diversity, Data Protection and Confidentiality.

· To complete all ‘agreed’ Learning and Development objectives;

· Promote positive relationships between Affinity Fostering, children and young people, professionals and partnership agencies.

· Act in accordance with all regulations and guidelines as laid down by all relevant Government Legislation.

· To manage time and self, to achieve company objectives.

· To participate fully in regular Supervision with Line Manager.

· To participate fully in annual appraisal with Line Manager.

· To exercise personal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

· To work in a respectful manner, working within a team environment.


To perform any other reasonable, associated duties as required by the Practice/Registered Manager or Directors of Affinity Fostering from time to time. All permanent requests will, after consultation be added to the Job Description.

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Why Affinity are the best agency for new foster carers

Affinity Fostering were rated as Outstanding by Ofsted in 2022. In-fact we’ve been rated Outstanding in every inspection since we opened our agency!